Sunday, January 20, 2013

I am a GOOD boy.


I'm just minding my own business, taking a rest on this mat that mum bought for me.

Teddy 206


Teddy 207

Teddy 208

Oh no, I've been caught.  I promise I'm a good boy, really.  This mat is not to be trusted.

Teddy 209


Fuzzy Tales said...

Teddy, you're the silliest and most endearing mancat around. :-)

It's a great gift, to be able to entertain oneself. LOL.

The Army of Four said...

Woo. It's awfully nice that your mom bought a mat to match your fur colors!
Keep an eye on that thing. I think it's planning a sneak attack.

looloo said...

You ARE a good boy, Teddy! Just beware of strange mats!

rottrover said...

Darned mats!! Be careful, Teddy!!

-Bart and Ruby

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Of course it´s the mat that is not to be trusted *mol*

Angel Simba said...

Thank Cod you dedded the mat before it smothered you!

Unknown said...

Did yous wrestle the mat into submission? That is one of my favorite games!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

The mat looks very suspicious. Were you trying to subdue it?

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We think you look particularly handsome on that mat, Teddy! And we love your mat attack moves too!

The Chans

Barb said...

dobedobedo... hahahaha! Next thing you'll be whistling a happy, nonchalant tune, Teddy!! hehe.

Timmy Tomcat said...

Very cool mat. Love the way you scrunch it up too

Cory said...

You are right...never trust a mat.

Poppy Q said...

Cute!!! Teddy that looks like a good mat, good for snoozing on.

Daisy said...

You're a good boy... for a goon!

The Whiskeratti said...

You're right, that mat is sneaky!

GTnCo said...

You look so cute I mean manly giving that rug what it deserves!

CAB said...

I have found that the rugs and mats need to be reminded who is boss occasionally. Otherwise, they'll start moving when you least expect it.

-- Zazou

Katnip Lounge said...

We have one of those things. It is INFESTED with Monsters!

Just Ducky said...

Rugs are supposed to be played with like that.

Mickey's Musings said...

Hi Teddy !!! About time Mom helped us come visit you!!!!
Happy Belated Gotcha Day too !!!!
Attack the mat looks like a lot of fun ;) Be careful it does not attack back ! heehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

Sam, Zorro and Bello said...

Wow, you're just a "wee-bit" mad, huh, Teddy? We love you for it, too. In a manly, brother cat kind of way, of course. Ahem.

Gigi said...

Um, she bought it for YOU. If you want to scrunch it up and kill it, hey! Dood! It's yours!

We are happy to see you Tedster.