Hi everyone!
As my typist has been completely useless this year, I have decided to punish her by making her co-ordinate the Cat Blogosphere christmas card exchange.
If you would like to participate, you can do it one of two ways.
1. Email me at teddy
DOTnet with the following details:
Blog Name (eg Don't Bite)
URL (eg www.teddywestlife.blogspot.com)
Address cards to (eg Teddy Westlife)
email or snail mail (eg email)
Email address (eg teddyAThufflemawsonDOTnet - although you can put the proper email address in the email you send to me)
Mailing address (eg Tracey Koper, 1 Spring Street Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia)
Please make sure you put CB christmas card exchange in the subject heading of your email, and that you complete all fields. You don't have to do a mailing address if you would prefer not to. If you are doing a mailing address, please make sure to include your full state, zip code and country for those people who live in other places, and your human's name just in case.
2. There is now a document in the Cats With Blogs group on Facebook - if you are a member you can go and fill in your details there instead.
The Christmas Card Exchange is open to all cat bloggers, anywhere in the world. You can choose to do either physical or virtual cards, both are acceptable. Last time we participated, Huffle Mawson and I got WAY more cards than mum and dad did. They were quite jealous.
Please submit your information no later than Friday 28 November 2014.
If you would like to download the graphic (as designed by the marvellous
click here and choose the size you would like to use.
Teddy out!
Some of you have said you are having trouble with my email address, although I have certainly received plenty of your emails. If it doesn't work for you, please try hufflemawsonATgmailDOTcom instead.